Your ideas, passions and talents aren’t lost or useless. You may have hit a few bumps in the road, or wrecked the entire vehicle, and now you’re rolling down the road like Kip and Napoleon headed to a Rex Kwan Do class. But these things that burn in you still exist and are a part of what makes you unique. What makes you wonderful.
Somehow, in some wild and heavenly way, God gave you and I gifts. Why would He do this? Well, He’s a loving Father who doesn’t hold back from His kids. These are His gifts. Not just something lying around in Heaven’s storage facilities, these are a part of who He is. Like, the ability to visualize art before it’s in front of us, or the ability to compose a song before it’s ever heard, or even the ability to add light where there was only darkness, and it changes the entire mood of a scene. We are His wild creations, full of His wonder and creativity.
So why does making art, writing songs, and being the light guy or girl, matter? I don’t have one specific answer, but I can tell you that all of these things reflect God in some way. I am primarily a graphic designer – I love logos, colors, textures, typography, negative space, lines, symbols, street signs, posters, etc. I love it all and I don’t even know how I grew to love it so much. It’s just a big part of the life God has given to me, and it brings me joy.
Design gets me pumped up, but the really interesting part is, through design, I have been able to help entrepreneurs put a mark or brand to their business, design resources to communicate God’s love to the world, build life-long relationships that have brought growth and healing for my life and my family, the list goes on. God has surely been at work through graphic design. He’s made life-giving connections and planted so many seeds through this work. There is a bigger story being written through the things we do and take part in.
So, I’m asking you today, forget the bumps in the road. Forget the fact that you look like Kip, hitching a ride from Napoleon. Forget that so much time has passed you by and you’ve been stagnant. God gave you a treasure trove. Protect it against the doubt and worry you currently feel. He’s doing a work through your gifts. He’s connecting the dots with the things we think are insignificant. Pick up the pen, don’t look at the clock, don’t look at social media, just look at your Heavenly Father who is pleased that you are back in the saddle. Your creative part to play is so important that the God of the universe gave it to you. He doesn’t just trust anyone with this part, He’s trusting you, the one He designed for it.